The Journey – Dan Winters
Ministries – Hong Kong & CHina
First Trip to Hong Kong
My first trip to Hong Kong and the border of China
Lovell Cary was born July 18, 1928 which was 5 years before I was born on March 30, 1933. During my teen ages, Lovell told of how he had become a Christian and made a commitment of his life to missions. My dad’s sister Lois Winters born March 10, 1919 committed her life to missions during the same service at the Church of God in Aracoma, WV. Lois died in 1945 at the young age of 25 from a heart condition.
Lovell serve in Asia for many years. He visited my family in Winter Haven and would tell us about China and the great mission field and the hunger for the gospel and the need of Bibles.
When I was about 40 my wife Mary Nell and I visited Lovell and his wife in Hong Kong and she took us to the border of China. This was my first trip to the China border. We had prayed and supported them for several years and we were excited to make this our first overseas missionary trip and be with the Cary’s. During this trip, Lovell introduced me to Dr. Paul Kauffman who was founder of Asian Outreach with office in Hong Kong where Lovell was also doing missionary work. FIND MORE INFO ON ASIAN OUTREACH
Delivering Bibles behind the Bamboo Curtain in China.
Asian Outreach AO’s mission was to get the gospel to people behind the bamboo curtain.
I was invited to join their Honk Kong board of directors in 1979. I felt very humbled to now help share the gospel in China and other Asian countries when most people had never owned a Bible and many had not heard the name of Jesus.
September 25, 1979, I accepted position on the Board of Directors of Asian Outreach with Rev. Paul Kaufman and Rev, David Wong. For several years I attended the USA board meeting in Los Angeles, CA. Most of the board members were pastors of large Assembly of God Churches. AO primarily distributed Bible in China. AO was among the first pioneering couriers to take Bibles to China as early as the 1970’s.
Most of my life previously I had heard of the great hunger and need for the gospel in the countries of Asia. I was thrilled to participate in this missionary work.
Insert scanned pictures of letters from Paul to Dan
China has a special place of interest in my heart.
My 2nd Trip to China was May 1981 when Teri and the Lee Singers invited me and Mary Nell to join their tour to China. We agreed to accompany them and I arranged for each student to carry Bibles and other material from the Asian Outreach headquarters in Hong Kong into mainland China behind the Bamboo Curtain.
Drs. Jim and Doris Burns, Joe King and Mary Thomas were also on this trip with the Lee Singers.
The singers would give a great performance each time they were afforded the opportunity outside of the bamboo curtain. It was about a 3 hour train ride to the border and as our train approached the border the 80 or so students got very serious considering our mission of hand delivering the more than 1500 Bibles and soul wining material to the Chinese Christian. We were considered to be “mules” with our back packs loaded.
Teri wanted to from me what I would do if she or her mother were apprehended by the border guard, would I go on without them or what? The student ahead of us was greatly questioned by the guards as to what was in his backpack; he convinced them it was g i f t s and they finally told him he could proceed. The guard also allowed Mary Nell, Teri and me to enter with our Bibles neatly wrapped in brown paper packages.
Inside China there were Chinese busses and tour guides that took us to prearranged sites where we handed the Bibles to Christians.
Mission Accomplished!
God had allowed me to work for him in sharing the gospel, the Bible in China.
God had placed me in Asian Outreach ahead of time and I was ready when God sent Lee Singers to China.
Praise the Lord!
Third Trip to China – Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong
(3rd Trip to China – Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong
In May 1994 Carl Richardson invited me and a few others to join him on a missionary trip to Prayer Mountain and Seoul Korea on the way to China.
This was a wonderful trip with Carl, Larry & Jackie, Tim & Paula Hill and several others as we toured the sites and visited with some of the underground Christians.
During this trip from April 25 to May 10th, we carried the gospel to some underground churches in Beijing, Shanghai, and some other cities in China. We toured the Great Wall of China, Tiananmen Square, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Hong Kong
I heard some life changing testimonies from the surviving spouses of Christian martyrs for Jesus. Christians were sharing the gospel at the risk of being jailed and persecuted. I personally witnessed Christian young people as they hand copied Bible lessons in the Chinese language.
Attending a service in one of the house churches was a very exciting experience I will never forget. About 40 Christians crowded into a very small two-room apartment on a hot afternoon to share about Jesus. A guard was posted at the door and would admit only those persons who were recognized. The spirit of the Lord was there. The sincerity of their worship and powerful testimonies of how God was working in their lives in spite of their persecutions greatly impressed me.
I personally talked with people who had been imprisoned for preaching the gospel.
In the city of Beijing China, I had the privilege of being present in the home of an elderly saint of God while her testimony was being videotaped by Carl Richardson Ministries. I was emotionally touched as sister Sue personally witnessed in my presence with three other visitors of how her young children were raised. She shared how after the Chinese government executed her husband because he refused to quit preaching the gospel the government considered her family as traitors and therefore would not provide food, education, or social support. As she cried and prayed in despair, the Holy Spirit spoke to her in an audible voice causing the hair to move on the back of her neck as He told her not to worry that he would take care of her. God did provide for her and her children and after 40 years one of her sons continues preaching the gospel. She had not lost her joy. She continued to serve God and help spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.
She testified of how she had suffered from cancer and twice was at the point of death. On one occasion the doctor wrote out her death certificate expecting her to die within a couple of days. God healed her, and the doctor did not sign the certificate. She was rejoicing and proclaiming the blessings of knowing and serving Jesus. I thought her testimony sounded like some of the experiences of the church recorded in the book of Acts the Holy Bible.
In another city our group also meet in a private dining room of a hotel with a small group of Chinese Christians. They shared their testimonies of how they were distributing Bibles underground and preaching the gospel. It was thrilling to listened to the amazing testimonies of people in their 70’s and 80’s who were very excited about their evangelistic efforts and talking about taking missionary trips to other nations of Asia.
In one of the communities someone had constructed a new two-story building. As they were finishing the construction one of the workers were killed as he fell from the building. The local people consider a “ghost” must have pushed the worker and the building had evil spirit; therefore, no local person wanted to occupy the house therefor it had been setting vacant for over one year. the property referred to as the “ghost house” no one wanted to buy the place. At a bargain price I provided $5,921 for Carl Richardson Ministries to purchase the place for the local underground church to operate as a Bible School. Several months later, for security reasons our Chinese brethren decided to abort the plans for opening the school.
While on this trip, I also provided funds for a new brick church to be built as a memorial to Mary Nell. George Chinn was coordinating this construction. George is another pastor who survived 18 years of imprisonment for preaching the Gospel in China.
Larry and Jacky Danley also funded a church ministry center and medical clinic in memory of Mary Nell.
Together we funded three (3) Ministry Training Centers and Churches inside mainland China; CRM’s letter dated May 25, acknowledged building three full time ministry facilities inside Mainland China in honor or Mary Nell. We returned from China trip on May 10, 1994.
Later in another letter from Carl Richardson dated Sept 1999 he reported that the Winters’ church in Anquing, Anhui Province inside mainland China, seats 800 people in each of 6 services every Sunday and is always jam packed 5 days every week. More than 2400 full-time ministry students have been graduated. We had contributed $10,000 for this building however Carl says he added another $5,000 because of cost overruns.
Beverly and Carl presented me a group of pictures in a beautiful wood finished binder that I treasure and keep at 401 Concord in the credenza in the sunroom.
Now in the year of 2022-23 Carl and I enjoy reminiscing over the phone as we recall this trip to China in May 1994. Truly an experience I shall never forget.
(Teri, pictures of the churches we built in China in memory of Mary Nell are in the wood album in 401 sunroom.
I don’t know how to scan them and insert them here. Carl Richardson provide the pictures.)